HM Nails Spa
8 years ago
VERY DISAPPOINTED!! I called ahead to reserve a French mani/pedi for my wife. Spoke to a friendly lady and booked the date/time. My wife was excited -side note, she's a mom of two toddlers and doesn't get much alone time, so this was important pampering time. She arrived and parking was available. Entering she was taken quickly to start her mani. While having her nails done, customers kept asking for "extra services which weren't ordered ahead of time" staff was very forward to deny any extra services because they were very busy. Very reasonable, but when it came time to get her peticure they said my wife didn't request one. The lady said she spoke personally with my wife and my wife didn't order the mani/pedi. They were wife didn't make the reservation order!! I DID!!! So my wife was quite upset and told to come back. The lady flat out lied about speaking to her and refused her a reserved -BOOKED- pedi. So upset that they lied and refused her service.