Louvie would be happy to help you make selections for all your essential products. She has a wonderful selection of products to alleviate the harshness of weather on your skin!
From sunscreen to natural health supplements, Louvie can help you take care of your health. See her at the market or reach out to her-- zivcat@sympatico.ca OR https://louviearthur.scentsy.ca
Visit Trails End Farmers' Market. We aim to meet all your needs! 4370 Dundas Street just East of Veterans Memorial Parkway.
JOHN'S TOOLS AND THINGS...at Trails End Farmers' Market for 35 years.
John will be happy to help you root through his treasures. With patience, you're sure to find that missing tool you need to finish the job.
John has wheel barrel handles, rakes, fans, golf clubs, wrenches, and the list goes on.
You won't know you need it until you've seen it at John's at Trails End Farmers' Market, 4370 Dundas Street just East of Veterans Memorial Parkway, every Saturday 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.
GERBER MEATS & DELI LTD is a Mennonite family owned and operated business for over 43 years, providing drug free fresh meats, and grass fed organic frozen meats--beef, pork, chicken, goat, and lamb.
If you need custom orders for the freezer or special occasions, they'd be happy to help you out.
Gerber Meats also provides Summer Sausage, Pepperettes, and Eggs.
At Trails End Farmers' Market, we believe it's important to serve your family the best!
Trails End Farmers' Market, Family owned and operated--serving you since 1983, 4730 Dundas Street just East of Veterans Memorial Parkway. See you on Saturday!!
The Portuguese Oven Weekend Market is a locally owned traditional, fresh, handcrafted baking operation. Terry, Caitlyn, and John bring you a world of traditional flavour and craftsmanship in their Portuguese baking—bread, biscuits, cupcakes, buns, and more.
See them at Trails End Farmers' Market, 4370 Dundas Street just 3 km east of Veterans Memorial Parkway, every Saturday from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.